Intervención realizada en colaboración con la AAVV de Orcasitas, en las jornadas “Orcasitas cartas boca arriba”.
La acción parte de una campaña del ayuntamiento de Madrid
sobre sensibilización en limpieza urbana, llamada: “La limpieza tarea de todos”.
Partiendo de la estética y los diseños originales, se crearon nuevos carteles
con diferentes reivindicaciones históricas del barrio hacia las instituciones
Intervention carried out in collaboration with the neighborhood Association of Orcasitas, in "Orcasitas cards face up" act.
Intervention carried out in collaboration with the neighborhood Association of Orcasitas, in "Orcasitas cards face up" act.
The action part of a campaign by the municipality of Madrid on awareness in urban cleaning, called: "Cleaning, everyone's task." Starting from the aesthetics and the original designs, new posters were created with different historical demands of the neighborhood towards Madrid's institutions.
Carteles originales
Original signs
A chewing gum takes five years to disappear, think of the bin is a second.
If you need a signal to use the wastebasket, this is.
Sure you do it without wanting to, but love your city.
Luck is to have a clean neighborhood.
Luck is to have a neighborhood with subway.
If you need a signal to improve accessibility in the neighborhood, this is.
Lucky is to have a nursing home near.
Sure you do it without wanting to, but this park needs maintenance
Lucky is to have a neighborhood with a bicycle lane.
Asbestos causes lung cancer, thinking about removing it is not worth