Vítores contemporáneos. Salamanca

Proyecto colaborativo que plantea un homenaje a toda la gente normal, que no aparece en televisión, ni nunca recibirá un premio, pero que sin ellos nada existiría. Con su sudor, sacrificio y solidaridad salen adelante de forma silenciosa. 

La acción consistió en la creación de unos nuevos “vítores” como los tradicionales del casco histórico de Salamanca y pintados sobre edificios universitarios, pero esta vez elegidos por los vecinos de un barrio por medio de ZOES, la asociación de vecinos del barrio del Oeste.

El anagrama de los vítores, de color rojo, que combina las letras V, I, C, T, O y R suelen estar dispuestas a criterio del pintor, por lo que hay diferentes modelos. Por esto, estos nuevos vítores tienen un diseño diferente al resto conservando la tipografía clásica pero siendo representados simplemente con una V.

A collaborative project that pays tribute to all the normal people, who do not appear on television, nor receive a prize, but without them nothing will be exist.

The action consisted in the creation of new "Vítores" like the traditional ones of the historical center of Salamanca and painted in the university buildings, but this time chosen by the neighbors of a neighborhood.

The vitore´s anagram, red, which combines the letters V, I, C, T, O and R are generally choose by the painter, so there are different models, these new "Vitores" have a different design, preserving classic typography But only with one letter "V"

 The victims of gender violence and their families.

Families who were evicted of their home and continue to fight for their right to decent housing.

 To who cares dependent people without help.

 To Women who continue to fight for their rights and equality.

 To the grandfathers and grandmothers that help their children and grandchildren.

To whom has to leave his country in search of work and future.

 To the families that survive at the poverty line.