Intervención en San Antón, barrio obrero y periférico de
cuenca, olvidado por las instituciones desde hace años. Durante buena parte del
siglo XX se planificó su desaparición, históricamente marginado, mal dotado de
servicios y siempre al borde de la ciudad, actualmente invadido por obras que
intentan limpiar su cara.
working for your city
Intervention in San Anton, neighborhood worker, forgotten by the institutions for years. For much of the twentieth century planned his disappearance, historically marginalized, poorly endowed with services and always on the edge of the city, currently invaded by works that try to clean her face.
"We are working for your city. Sorry for the inconvenience so many years of neglect".
"We are working for your city. Sorry for the inconvenience so many years of neglect".