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Sólo personas
Puesto que no somos individuos, se nos pide que depositemos en el contenedor las partes más importantes y características que definen a una persona, puesto que no son usadas sino que son maltratadas y menospreciadas,
Restos humanos.
Aquí se hace referencia a lo físico, seria una critica al culto al cuerpo, como se le venera y parece ser lo mas importante, de aquí que se nos pida tirar los restos que nos sobren, no nos gusten o nos hallan enseñado a que no nos deben gustar.
Juntando lo que hemos tirado resultaría nuestra identidad individual, nuestra personalidad, lo que nos hace diferente de unos a otros y si cogiésemos lo que nos hemos quedado, seriamos todos iguales sin personalidad, ni física ni psíquica; todos tendríamos un canon robótico, nos comportaríamos igual y seriamos una masa, un colectivo fácil de manejar.
- Only people
Given that we are not individuals, we are asked to put in the container the most important and characteristic parts that define a person, because they are not used, but mistreated and underestimated.
- Human remains
Here a reference to physical is made. It would be a critic to body worship, how it is venerated and seems to be the most important, is from this that we are asked to throw away the remains that we don’t need, the ones that we don’t like or that we have been taught to don’t like.
- Gathering all the remains that we have thrown away, our individual identity, our personality would result, what makes us different from the others and if we took what we have preserved, we would be all the same, without personality, neither physical nor psyquical. We all would have a robotic cannon, we would all behave the same and we all would be a mass, a collective easy to manage.