Intervención realizada en Cochabamba y La Paz (Bolivia) en defensa del TIPNIS y en rechazo a la construcción de una carretera impulsada por el gobierno que destruirá parte del pulmón de la amazonía, con el fin de capitalizar el territorio indígena y explotar sus recursos naturales. La acción consistió en la manipulación del cartel de “Impuestos Nacionales”.
Los carteles fueron colocados estratégicamente en diferentes Ministerios e instituciones relacionadas con la creación de la carretera que atravesará el parque natural.
Action in Cochabamba and La Paz (Bolivia) in defense of TIPNIS and rejection of a road construction promoted by the government that will destroy part of the lung in the Amazon, to capitalize on the Indigenous territory and exploit its natural resources. The action consisted the manipulation of the sign "National Tax".
The posters were placed strategically in different ministries and institutions involved in the creation of the road.
 "Closed. For violation of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples CPEP, 169-OIT convention and violate the rules of the Environment Act and the Regulation of Protected Areas''
"Warning: Creating a road over the TIPNIS violates the United Nations declaration on indigenous peoples' rights enshrined in the Constitution with a rank higher than the national laws and decrees. It involves the cutting of 500 000 trees, destroying the lungs of the Amazon, every kilometer of road will cost $ 1,200,000.

La Paz 
Ministry of Rural Development and Land 
 Ministry Environment and Water

 Ministry of Development Planning

 Embassy of Brazil

Supreme Electoral Tribunal
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Departmental Coordinator of Autonomy

National Tax

Mayor's Office
Ministry of Justice